Fundraising Products You Can Use to Raise Money

Whether your school band needs new uniforms or your church needs a new roof, fundraising can be an important part of any community or organization. If you are in charge of organizing a fundraiser, you might be stuck at the idea of an old-fashioned bake sale or car wash, but there are many other things that you can consider in terms of getting the cash that your organization needs. Today, there are many options for organizations who are looking do some fundraising and it has never been easier.

Candy sales, whether door to door or conducted in a local supermarket of shopping mall are a great way to rake in some cash. While you might be familiar with sports teams selling candy bars to travel, you might not be aware of what kind of candy you can now sell! While there’s nothing wrong with selling Skittles or Mars Bars, you can now get in contact with gourmet candy companies and sell their products instead. Many of them keep things very simple; all you need to do is fill out the order forms and then distribute the goods. The sheer variety that is offered will entrance your customers and you will be able to charge more, making the money add up that much quicker.

If you are planning to do door to door donations, you might want to consider scratch cards. Every participant receives a scratch card which has anywhere from 20 to 30 spaces in it that can be scratched out. They ask people to scratch out the circles and then donate the amounts shown. While the amounts are small, usually no more than 2 dollars, one card can garner up to a hundred dollars when completed. One thing that you can do is give away pages of coupons donated from local business after the donations have been received.

For a tasty treat, you can join the trend of organizations that sell cookie dough. You can order forms from the companies that are set up to handle fundraisers and figure out how much per item you are getting for your sales. After you have made all the orders you can, you’ll send the forms back to the parent company and then distribute the cookie dough when it arrives. Think about getting together for a cookie and movies night after you’re done!

There are many different ways to make some money for your organization; all you have to do is find the one that suits you the best.

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